Guild Insurance
Guild Early Learning

Horses Birthday

What is Horses Birthday?

Horses Birthday is the birthday for all thoroughbred horses. This date is used to standardize the ages of horses for racing and breeding purposes, aligning with the southern hemisphere breeding season.

When is Horses Birthday?

Friday, August 1 


  • Story Time: Gather children for a story time featuring books about horses and their adventures.
  • Dress-Up: Encourage children to dress up in their Favorite equestrian-themed costumes, such as jockeys, cowboys/cowgirls, or princesses riding horses.
  • Pony Petting: Arrange for a visit from a local pony or horse stable, allowing children to interact with real ponies or horses in a safe and supervised environment.
  • Art and Craft: provide children with a range of art material and encourage them to use their creativity to create their own horse.