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Guild Early Learning

Anticipating changes to the NQF, EYLF/MTOP ... and more

In 2021, early childhood education and care services across Australia will begin receiving public consultation invitations on the proposed changes to the National Quality Framework (NQF), the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)/My Time Our Place (MTOP) and potentially more. This will potentially be the year-long public consultation as part of the Review of the NQF that began in 2019 (and deferred due to COVID-19).

A number of the possible changes to be anticipated can be gleaned from the following references:

  1. The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW's Submission to the Review of the NQF (30 June 2019)
  2. Consultation Summary Report - Review of the NQF (December 2019)
  3. Education Council's public consultation to commence in early 2021 (15 December 2020)

Services may have recently heard that the EYLF/MTOP will also be reviewed/revised. This decision was made by the Education Council (ie all Federal, State & Territory Ministers for Education) also on 15 December 2020.

These issues will be one of the main topics of discussions at the Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW's Network Meetings (face-to-face and via live webinars). Members and non-members are welcome to participate.