Guild Insurance
Guild Early Learning

Anticipating possible implications from COVID-19 vaccine(s)

As the world races to produce and distribute government-approved vaccines to COVID-19, the Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW is working through the ACA National Committee in ensuring early childhood education and care services' staff are given priority access by governments.

That said, unlike the pre-existing government protocols for drug manufacturers, the speed at which pharmaceutical companies have had to create these COVID-19 vaccines, as well as governments prepared to give regulatory approval, should be considered.

To be clear, the position of ACA NSW is not aligned with being anti-vaccination. But ACA NSW does anticipate that, for example:

  • there may be a few employees who might defer receiving the COVID-19 vaccine(s) out of caution for their own personal health and safety; and
  • there may be unforeseen side-effects with some employees who do take the COVID-19 vaccine(s).

These scenarios might cause issues from:

  1. an industrial relations perspective (eg insufficient sick leave entitlements, can employers require employees to take the vaccine(s));
  2. the possible (albeit unlikely) implications with respect to workers compensation; and
  3. how services will manage and address possible parents' expectations of all staff being vaccinated so as to ensure the maximum safety for their children.

ACA NSW welcomes members to also provide their feedback/concerns via 1300 556 330 or as it works through these issues with the ACA National Committee.