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Australian Childcare Alliance

Wishing everyone a super special Early Childhood Educators' Day!

Hip hip hooray! The day has finally arrived!

We'd like to send our warmest wishes to you and your team today as you celebrate Early Childhood Educators' Day (, both as a team, as well as with your families and children.

At the local level, we hope you and their families say thank you to their early childhood educators in their own special way. 

At the national level, we would like to let each and every one of Australia’s early childhood educators know how much they are appreciated, but we can’t do it alone!

As usual, we have called upon a number of our early learning stakeholders to say a few words in our "Australia says thank you" 2023 video. We’re very grateful for their wonderful support. 

We encourage you to take a moment and watch the video with their team of educators, as part of  your celebrations today and across the week.

We have posted many of the individual video shout outs on the "Words from our Community" webpage here.

Meanwhile, we would love to see how you celebrate in your own special way! You and your team members may like to share some photos of your celebrations (with relevant permissions) to our 2023 photo gallery here.  

We're also giving away some fun prizes to educators, families and service providers throughout the week via Facebook, so keep an eye out for our posts! We'll announce the winners next week. 

We hope you and your team have an amazing week! Enjoy the celebrations!