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Australian Childcare Alliance

ACA NSW seeks clarification following announcement of comprehensive Mandatory Vaccinations

Yesterday (2 September 2021), the NSW Department of Education advised the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector about their new requirement for two doses of COVID vaccinations required by 8 November 2021 for all ECEC personnel across New South Wales. The legal basis for these comprehensive mandatory vaccinations are anticipated in a yet to be released new NSW Public Health Order(s).

Presently, especially in the absence of the new NSW Public Health Order(s), the Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW is seeking clarifications from the NSW Government on:


  1.  the guaranteed availability and prioritisation of supply of two doses of the vaccines to every ECEC personnel across NSW (ie not just Greater Sydney);
  2. the list of valid medical conditions that will be accepted as exemptions to the mandatory vaccinations;
  3. other than conscientious objectors, the temporary or permanent situation of certain ECEC personnel who now cannot work in their chosen profession as well as certain owners who may now not be able to access their own service(s).

For the next two weeks (ie 3-17 September 2021), ACA NSW is urgently seeking sector feedback so that ACA NSW can present evidence-based concerns to the NSW Government.

Please complete the following survey for your service. For multiple services, please refresh this webpage and input your concerns.


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For any further information/clarification, please contact the ACA NSW team on 1300 556 330 or