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New COVID restrictions: Fairfield Local Government Area

The NSW Minister for Health (the Hon Brad Hazzard MP) has released today an amendment to the existing NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Temporary Movement and Gathering Restrictions) Order for the specific area of the Fairfield Local Government Area (LGA) within Greater Sydney.

In this amendment, the NSW Public Health Order now says in relation to the Fairfield LGA:

  • Clause 24(B)(2) – “The Minister directs that an affected worker must not enter premises for work in a local government area outside the local government area in which the affected worker resides or is staying, unless the affected worker— (a) has, within the preceding 72 hours, been tested for COVID-19, and (b) has evidence of the test available for inspection on request by an employer or occupier of the premises or a police officer.
  • Clause 24(B)(3) – “The Minister directs that an occupier of premises, other than residential premises, must not permit an affected worker to enter or remain at the premises unless the affected worker has complied with subclause (2).

To further explain, the following Q&As may be of assistance:

Q1: If a family lives in the Fairfield LGA and their child(ren) attends our service that is OUTSIDE of the Fairfield LGA, does that family need to have a COVID test every three days like the staff who are in the same situation?

A1: Yes. The parents/guardians/staff must be able to show that three days ago (ie 72 hours) they were tested for COVID-19 and must be able to provide evidence of the test or the test results upon request by the Approved Provider or a police officer.

Q2: If a family lives in the Fairfield LGA and their child(ren) attends our service also WITHIN the Fairfield LGA, does that family need to have a COVID test every three days like the staff who are in the same situation?

A2: This is unclear as the amendment appears silent on this scenario. That said, further advice/update from NSW Health and/or the NSW Department of Education is anticipated.

Q3: If a family does not live within the Fairfield LGA and their child(ren) attends our service that is WITHIN the Fairfield LGA, does that family need to have a COVID test every three days like the staff who are in the same situation?

A3: This is unclear as the amendment appears silent on this scenario. That said, further advice/update from NSW Health and/or the NSW Department of Education is anticipated.