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October 2023 Regulation Changes

As Members are no doubt aware, 1 October 2023 sees the largest update in Regulations since the introduction of the National Quality Framework and there are many changes to be implemented and shared with families and educators, particularly around Sleep and Rest with changes to physical checking of resting children and new forms.

We are pleased to advise that all Regulation 168 Policies and associated forms have been updated to give effect to the changes and of course, ACA NSW Members have access to these templates via this website's Members' Area (NOTE: ACA NSW username and password are required for access.)

The following policies & forms have been updated (All changes are highlighted in yellow for easy identification): 

  • Emergency Risk Assessment Form
  • Record of Evacuation and Lock Down Drills
  • Relief Staff Student and Volunteer Induction Checklist
  • Risk Assessment and Management Tool - ACECQA
  • Sleep & Rest Risk Assessment ACECQA Template
  • Sleep Check Record for Sleep Rooms
  • Sleep Check Record for Sleeping in Main Learning Spaces
  • Staff Annual Induction Refresher
  • Staff Induction
  • Arrival and Departure of Children
  • Child Protection and Child Safe NSW
  • Emergency and Evacuation
  • Excursion
  • First Aid
  • Governance and Service Management
  • Grievance Resolution
  • Interactions with Children
  • Professional Development and Study Progression
  • Providing Safe Environments
  • Record Keeping
  • Sleep and Rest
  • Students Volunteers and Visitors
  • Water Safety

 At minimum the following should occur prior to 1 October 2023:

  • Notify all families and staff of the changes to policies and procedures as well as forms.

  • Ensure all educators receive a full copy of the sleep and rest policy and are re-trained on these important changes.

  • Conduct a sleep risk assessment and share with families and educators.

  • Introduce the new sleep forms for recording physical checks of sleeping/resting children

  • Complete the updated Emergency Risk Assessment Form including site specific details.

  • Review your site-specific Fire Plan (not the diagram, the plan of what to do in emergency).

  • Note the requirement to include site specific practices in the Arrival and Departure of Children Policy and Procedure to meet new legislation requirements.

  • If you are a multi-story building, please carefully review the Evacuation Policy and Procedures and review the following ACECQA factsheet

Information on the Regulation updates can be found at ACECQA