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Australian Childcare Alliance

Automated feature can assist LDC services to submit Start Strong data by 18 July 2023

NSW early childhood education and care services receiving Start Strong funding this year would have just received an e-mail from the NSW Department of Education about the need for their submitting certain data back to the NSW Department of Education by 18 July 2023.

This provision of data requirement stems from the Federal Government under the Minister's Rules to allow the NSW Government to effectively be a third-party funder to pay the gap fee.

This requirement is outlined in Section 4.4 of the official guidelines for long daycare services since early 2023. ACA NSW members can also refer to it via point #12 of the Affordable Preschool section of the Unpacking the Guidelines for the 2023 Start Strong, Affordable Preschool Funding and 3-year-old Funding Trial beginning 2023 article. (NOTE: Your ACA NSW username and password are needed for access.)

Participating CCMS providers will have already an automated feature to produce the data required (ie page 2 of the NSW Department of Education's official Technical Specification for Long Day Care Reporting Requirements). Those CCMS providers who advised ACA NSW of their readiness are listed, alongside their relevant information as well as contact details. (NOTE: Your ACA NSW username and password are needed for access.)

Notwithstanding, the NSW Department of Education has assured ACA NSW that members in need of assistance with more flexible timeframes within reason can be accommodated.

For any further information/clarification, please contact the ACA NSW team via 1300 556 330 or