Guild Insurance
Guild Early Learning

(Feverishly) trying to address labour shortages

Without a doubt, labour shortages is the early childhood education and care sector's number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... issue in the immediate term.

Members would be aware that ACA NSW has been actively involved in the following about labour shortages through:

Since September 2022, ACA NSW has expressed grave concerns of closures and reductions of places offered to both then NSW Premier Perrottet and now Premier Minns. These concerns have now become very real for their respective governments and regulatory authorities.

And ACA NSW has also had no choice but to build from scratch an overseas recruitment platform (ie Early Horizons). Given ACA NSW is not itself a recruitment entity, it has had to learn and overcome the extremely complex immigration laws and regulations and making it converge with the National Law and National Regulations.

NOTE: An announcement about Early Horizons is due for members.

For any further information/clarification, please contact the ACA NSW team via 1300 556 330 or