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What happened at the Inner Circle on 13 May 2024?

On the day before the Federal Budget, ACA NSW members gathered at the Inner Circle event held on Monday, 13 May 2024 at the Epping Club to get a detailed understanding of the unions’ application to increase wages by 25% and how will it be implemented.

NOTE: All ACA NSW articles relating to the unions’ application and the Federal Government’s Supported Bargaining Process are found via the ACA NSW dedicated page.

ACA National President, Paul Mondo, and ACA’s chief industrial lawyer, Nigel Ward, both presented (see videos below are for ACA NSW Members Only).

Presented and discussed were the unions’ demands, the legislated process through the Fair Work Commission, and ACA’s group of 41 early childhood education and care services’ navigation thus far should a 25% wage increase be paid for by the Federal Government.

Opening remarks by ACA NSW President, Lyn Connolly

Presentation by ABLA CEO, Nigel Ward [ACA NSW members must use their username and password to access.]

Presentation by ACA National President, Paul Mondo [ACA NSW members must use their username and password to access.]

​Testimonials from some ACA NSW members who attended on 13 May 2024

To access all the above videos, please use your ACA NSW member’s username and password.

The next ACA NSW Inner Circle event will be on Monday, 22 July 2024 beginning 5.30 pm for 6.30 pm start.

The NSW Department of Education’s Deputy Secretary, Mark Barraket, and ACECQA’s CEO, Gabrielle Sinclair, will be presenting and discussing the issues affecting and solutions for our sector.

Members can also contact the ACA NSW team via 1300 556 330 or should they need further information/clarification.