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Australian Childcare Alliance

Today’s catastrophic fire danger rating goes without saying that the number one priority for every early childhood education and care services to ensure that their children and staff are safe and not in harm’s way.

Services can receive the latest information about the fires across NSW via the NSW Rural Fire Services’ Fires Near Me app on the Apple App Store, Google Play and webpage (

RFS map

From the Rural Fire Service (RFS)

The RFS also has a bush fire survival plan, useful fire safety fact sheets, and a portal where you can report a bush fire hazard.

You can also monitor information from the RFS via social media - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Please contact your local fire station or the NSW Rural Fire Service (1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737)) should you need any further information.

Protecting your service's children and staff

Having reviewed your service’s risk assessment in relation to the fires, services are also encouraged to consult and implement their policies on:

  • emergency and evacuation
  • the health, safety and well-being of children and staff
  • communicating with parents

ACA NSW’s policies might be of assistance (see

In addition to the risk of fire, other considerations should also include air quality (especially if you have children with asthma). Stay indoors wherever possible under those circumstances. And it might be recommended that children either stay home with their parents or that their parents come and collect their children if not as early as possible.

If you haven’t done so and consider it may be required today, you may want to ensure that your parents are on standby, or who else is/are authorised and available to collect children today.

Should my service be closed or open today …

If the local authorities (in particular the NSW Police and/or the NSW Emergency Services) declare that evacuation is required and/or local emergency, please obey such instructions. Otherwise, closing or operating your service today is a decision that the approved provider needs to make after considering the risk of fire, obstructions of roads/paths should an evacuation be needed, as well as air quality.

Should you close today, the Federal Department of Education has useful information when a period of local emergency occurs. The Federal Department of Education also has an information sheet about Emergencies and Natural Disasters.

Your business insurance policy

Services should also contact your business insurance provider (if with Guild Insurance, their number is 1800 810 213). They can be of assistance should a local emergency be declared for your area by the proper authorities (eg the NSW Police or the NSW Rural Fire Service).

  • There is cover under the Guild Insurance policy for the inability to trade due to intervention by a public authority as a result of a bushfire threat in your immediate vicinity.
  • There is also cover for your inability to trade due to loss of utilities.

Once safe and after the fire threat has passed, we would encourage services to lodge a claim for consideration.

Other possible considerations

The images in the media of fires and their destruction can have a negative impact on children. Services are encouraged to be particularly attentive should children be affected.

Fires in especially in bush areas tend to compel snakes to emerge and seek refuge. Children and animals at the premises of early childhood education and care services ought to take the appropriate precautions.

Also, in addition to having adequate water and access to water, you should also ensure that you have your emergency mobile phones (ideally more than two) fully charged and have a portable battery-operated radio too. These will help to ensure you receive the latest information and be in communication with help and parents when needed.

Your Regulatory Obligations

Please do not forget to do the following too that all incidents (eg closing your service, if you have had any damage from a fire and need to temporarily close or relocate) will need to be reported to the NSW Department of Education's Early Childhood Education Directorate via the NQAITS or 1800 619 113 or

Any other assistance today …

Members of the Australian Childcare Alliance NSW can also contact us on 1300 556 330 or should you require any further information or assistance.