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Orthodox Good Friday

What is Orthodox Good Friday?

Orthodox Good Friday is significant for those who follow the Orthodox Christian faith. On this day, Orthodox Christians reflect on Jesus and the sad events thats occured a long time ago. On this day, Orthodox Christians pray, and reflect on his teachings of love and kindness. 

When is Orthodox Good Friday?

Friday, May 3


  • Storytelling and discussions: Share age-appropriate stories about the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Use picture books or tell the stories in a simple engaging manner that children can understand. You can then discuss the importance of Good Friday and the concept of sacrifice, love and forgiveness 
  • Art and Craft: Provide materials for children to create simple art projects related to the themes of Good Friday e.g. making a cross using craft sticks or paper, decorate them with symbols like hearts or doves to represent love and peace, and discuss the significance of the cross in Christianity 
  • Quiet Reflection and Meditation: Set up a quiet corner in the childcare space where children can engage in quiet activities like colouring, drawing, or reading books related to Good Friday
  • Act of Kindness: Encourage the children to perform simple acts of kindness and service as a way of spreading the spirit of Good Friday. Examples include making cards or drawings for nursing homes and hospitals, collecting donations for charity, or helping one another in day to day tasks.