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Any update on NSW's BASC/OSHC Reform Trials?

ACA NSW members interested in out-of-school-hours-care (OSHC) will recall the NSW Government's BASC/OSHC Reform Trials across 9 NSW schools during Terms 3 and 4 of 2022.

ACA NSW appreciates the NSW Department of Education for including us in their discussions about these trials, alongside other OSHC/before-and-after-school-care (BASC) stakeholders. 

Similar to and in addition to the 27 questions/concerns first raised, ACA NSW is awaiting the following from the NSW Department of Education in terms of their findings from the abovementioned trial:

  • What were the new outcomes and advantages for children and parents during the 6-month trial that were structurally unable to previously exist?
  • Were there any improvements/efficiencies identified and measured during the trial that could inform the existing regulatory and operational framework? 
  • Will the existing NQF, National Law, National Regulations, Quality Ratings, etc be retained or modified to support any new aspirations of the NSW Government for the future of OHSC services?
  • Will there be articulated children's and/or parents' outcomes? If so, what will they be and how will they be determined and measured?
  • What will be the operational and cost implications for existing approved OSHC services of any/all changes?
  • What will be the updated eligibility criteria and approvals process of future BASC/OSHC providers, if any?

It is a timely reminder that the existing regulatory and operational framework for OSHC came into effect on 1 January 2012.

Now just over eleven (11) years on, ACA NSW continues to always seek positive improvements that support quality that will benefit all children, parents and services fairly and equitably, while leveraging the existing not insignificant investments already made.

Hence, given the NSW State Election is in 46 days' time (to be held on Saturday, 25 March 2023), ACA NSW anticipates the above and potentially more will also be further elaborated at ACA NSW's next What's The Buzz (aka Network) meetings and Hub Huddles.

For any further information/clarification, please contact the ACA NSW team via 1300 556 330 or