What is National Recycling Week?
National Recycling Week is one of Planet Ark's campaigns and every year aims to educate and empower people to do the right thing when they're at the bin. Established in 1996, the event is held every second week of November. This year, National Recycling Week will be from the 13th-19th November 2023.
National Recycling Week focuses on the waste hierachy - reduce, resuse, recycle. Connecting with individuals, communities, schools, businesses and the government, Planet Ark provide tools to help educate their network and run National Recycling Events.
Click the links for more information on how to get involved at home, work, school and in the community.
When is National Recycling Week?
From Monday 13th to Sunday 19th November 2023
- Sorting Waste according to the red, green and yellow bin
- Sensory exploring recycled paper
- Intentional teaching about Pollution - In general, recycling materials can produce less pollution helping to keep our environment clean.
- Encourage your educators, children and families to bring in recycling items to be used around the centre. i.e. turning an old tyre into a pot plat around your centre.
- Make a recycling bin in your classroom, turn off lights when rooms not in use.
- Discuss and create a plan of action to reduce their waste with the children.
- Ask families to donate toys and clothes - Instead of throwing away toys your kids are done playing with, help them choose some to be donated and reused by other children.
- Implement rain buckets in your outdoor area to use to water your garden and plants.