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Chinese Language Day

What is Chinese Language Day?

Chinese Language Day is celebrated on the 20th April in honour of Cangjie, a legendary ancient Chinese figure who is credited for inventing Chinese script. Chinese, being one of the most widely spoken language around the world, has become beneficial for boh children and adults. The Chinese language - Mandarin, utilizes areas of the brain that processes music by registering different pitches and tones, activating more and improving overall brain development. Through the study of Chinese culture, individuals are able to exchange perspectives, and create a platform for effective communication. Multilingual children lso gain a cognitive, academic and social edge in academic settings and beyond. 

When is Chinese Language Day?

Saturday, 20 April


  • Teach basic greeting and phases such as ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’.
  • Art and craft: Make lanterns or fans.
  • Cultural storytelling: Read a book about the Chinese culture and popular Chinese folktales.
  • Invite a staff member or parent who can read in the Chinese language to read a story book to the children.
  • Invite a guest speaker who can share personal stories or insights about Chinese language and culture.