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Hearing Awareness Week

What is Hearing Awareness Week?

Hearing Awareness Week is an initiative of the Deafness Foundation, raising awareness of hearing loss and how the community can implement prevention strategies to empower people with a hearing loss to reduce the risk of social isolation and loneliness. This week focuses on the positive impact of looking after our health, contributing to our quality of life, social engagement, career, confidence and communication. 

When is Hearing Awareness Week?

Friday, 1-7 March 


  • Open discussion about the sense of hearing 
  • Open discussion to see if there is anyone in the classroom, or someone that they know who has a hearing difficulty
  • Discuss different ways to communicate with a hearing impaired person e.g. hearing aids, sign language, visual 
  • Learn a song in AUSLAN (Sing a rainbow, Cocomelon Please and Thank You