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International Day of Older Persons

What is International Day of Older Persons?

International Day of Older Persons recognises and celebrates the contributions and achievements of older persons in society. It raises awareness about issues affecting adults, promotes their rights, and the importance of their wellbeing. This day reminds all to respect older people, and work towards creating an inclusive and age-friendly community.

When is International Day of Older Persons?

Tuesday, October 1


  • Storytime with your Seniors: Encourage the children to bring in older adults from their lives such as grandparents to visit the service and read stories to the children to promote bonding between different age groups
  • Gardening Planting: Encourage the seniors to help the children to plant flowers and vegetables in the garden
  • Cooking Session: Partner with the seniors to cook and bake a simple recipe together in the service
  • Craft: Create an art piece to then share with an older person in the children’s life