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International Day of the Girl

What is International Day of the Girl?

International Day of the girl is dedicated to promoting the rights and empowerment of girls worldwide. This day raises awareness about the challenges girls face e.g. gender inequality, discrimination, lack of access to education and opportunities. This day confirms the right to an education, health and safety, and advocates for gender equality.

When is International Day of the Girl?

Friday, October 11


  • Story time: read books and stories with female characters showing courage and empowerment
  • Girl dresses up: encourage the children to dress up using costumes and props that are associated with women to promote gender-neutral play, and challenges stereotypes
  • Discussion: go around the room and brainstorm different barriers and challenges that women face such as access to education, child marriage, gender violence
  • Art for women: encourage the children to create personalised art pieces to then donate to women in need e.g. in local shelters, homeless women, hospitals