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May Day

What is May day?

May Day is celebrated in Spring, where nature and the hard work of people around the world is acknowledged. This event encouraged people around the world to enjoy the sun and appreciate all the good things in life. 

When is May Day?

Wednesday, May 1 


  • Planting Flowers: Teach the children about the significance of flowers in May Day celebrations by engaging them in planting flowers or seeds in pots or a garden area. Choose easy-to-grow flowers like marigolds, sunflowers, or pansies.
  • May Day Parade: Organise a mini May Day parade within the childcare facility or outdoors if possible. Have the children create simple props like flower wands, paper crowns, or ribbon streamers to carry during the parade. Play cheerful music and let the children march or dance around while waving their May Day-themed props.
  • Outdoor Flower Hunt: Take the children on a flower hunt in the outdoor play area or nearby green spaces. Provide them with small baskets or containers to collect flowers they find. Encourage them to observe different types of flowers and discuss their colours, shapes, and scents.
  • May Day Storytime: Choose picture books or short stories about May Day traditions, springtime, or flowers. After reading, you can discuss the story and its themes, and maybe even act out parts of the story together.