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Australian Childcare Alliance


What is NAIDOC Week?

NAIDOC week is a celebration in Australia that stands for National Aborigines and Islander Day Observance Committee. This week aims to celebrate the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Australians come together to learn and acknowledge the contributions of the Indigenous Australians to the country’s heritage and society.

When is NAIDOC Week?

Sunday, July 7 - July 14


  • Acknowledgment of Country: Encourage children to learn and recite an Acknowledgment of Country, a short statement that recognizes the traditional owners of the land. Practice the acknowledgment together and incorporate it into daily routines as a sign of respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.
  • Art and Craft: Provide materials such as paints, dot painting tools, and natural materials for children to create their own artworks inspired by Aboriginal art.
  • Storytime: Gather the children and read stories related to the indigenous culture and read Dreamtime stories with the children.
  • Group time: Gather the children and discuss thoughts and ideas about Australia’s First Nation people. ‘
  • Music experience: Play cultural Indigenous music and using tap sticks, demonstrate how to create rhythmic patterns by tapping the sticks together along with the music.