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National Asthma Awareness Week

What is National Asthma Awareness Week?

National Asthma Awareness Week is an annual event in Australia which raises awareness about asthma, is triggers and management. Through educational campaigns, events and initiatives, National Asthma Awareness Week promotes asthma education, supports those affected by the condition, and encourages healthy practices to manage asthma effectively.

When is National Asthma Awareness Week?

Sunday, September 1 - 7


  • Breathing Exercise Session: Lead a fun and interactive breathing exercise session with the children. Teach them simple breathing techniques to help manage asthma symptoms, such as deep breathing, pursed lip breathing, or belly breathing.
  • Asthma-Friendly Crafts: Plan craft activities related to asthma awareness. For example, children can decorate inhaler holders or create personalized asthma action plans with drawings and stickers. These crafts serve as visual reminders of asthma management strategies.
  • Guest Speaker Visit: Invite a healthcare professional or asthma educator to speak to the children about asthma awareness and management. Allow children to ask questions and learn from the expertise of the guest speaker.