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National Fairy Bread Day

What is National Fairy Bread Day?

National Fairy Bread Day is dedicated to the Australian treat – Fairy Bread. The day involves enjoying the iconic Australian snack made of white bread, butter, and colourful sprinkles. We use this day to share the joy of the treat with others.

When is National Fairy Bread Day?

Sunday, November 24


  • Fairy Bread Making: Gather the children in the kitchen area and involve them in making fairy bread. Provide slices of bread, butter, and colourful sprinkles
  • Fairy Bread Art: Set up an art station with paper, glue, and colourful materials such as sequins, glitter, and feathers. Encourage the children to create their own fairy-themed artwork.
  • Fairy Bread Picnic: Take the children outdoors for a fairy bread picnic. Spread out a blanket and let the children enjoy their fairy bread snacks.
  • Decorating Contest: Hold a fairy bread decorating contest where the children. Provide a variety of toppings and decorations for the children to use, and award prizes for the most colourful fairy bread.