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National Hug Day

What is World Hug Day?

World Hug Day encourages everyone to express their affection and care for one another through the act of giving and receiving hugs. Hugs, being a universal form of physical affection conveys love, comfort and support. This holiday encourages everyone to hug one another, no matter who they are, as it has many benefits to our health. Studies show that hugging helps build a good immune system and decreases risks of heart disease, lowers blood pressure and triggers the release of healthy hormones.

Fun fact: The record of most hugs by one person in one hour belongs to Nick Vujicic, who hugged 1,749 people at an expo centre in Oregon in 2010.

When is World Hug Day?

Sunday, 21 January


  • Hug Circle: Gather the children in a circle and take turns giving each other hugs and share why they appreciate each other.
  • Hug Craft: Children make “hug coupons” or “hug cards” for their loved ones. They can decorate them with colourful drawings.
  • Hug Storytime: Read books to children that celebrate hugs, and how it makes us feel.
  • Group time: Read stories to the children related to hugs and have discussions about the importance of hugs and how they make us feel.