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Guild Early Learning

Affordable Housing for our Essential Workers

It is so obvious that early childhood educators and teachers are essential workers! This was arguably best illustrated during the COVID pandemic when the NSW Government declared them as "Critical Workers". So, why is it that they and other essential personnel can have some of the greatest difficulties in securing their own homes?

ACA NSW is grateful to the NSW Parliament for recently establishing a new Select Committee to seek potential solutions to address the NSW Housing Crisis - Essential Worker Housing.

Earlier this week, ACA NSW is also very grateful to be invited by Business Sydney and Urbis to collaborate in the development such solutions for the Committee's consideration. Other collaborators included the NSW Police, universities and public infrastructure providers. The NSW Parliamentary Committee is scheduled to table its report by 7 March 2025.

This new and important work builds on ACA NSW President Lyn Connolly's recent announcement of ACA NSW's impending new service to assist early childhood educators and teachers with affordable housing.

ACA NSW continues to welcome feedback and plausible solutions from members on this very important issue. And for any further information, please contact the ACA NSW team via 1300 556 330 or