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Australian Childcare Alliance

Can ECT degrees & accreditation be improved/easier?

Do you believe early childhood teachers' degrees and its associated accreditation system can be improved or made easier?

Especially in the context of the severe labour shortages, the 9 Ministers for Education agreed to consider if early childhood teachers':

  • qualifications continue to be fit-for-purpose for children, teachers and service providers; and
  • registration and accreditation systems were easy enough to comply with.

The 9 Ministers tasked the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) to conduct such a review.

Consequently, ACA NSW is collecting initial feedback via the survey below while also encouraging as many ACA NSW members as possible to volunteer to engage with AITSL, should they so wish.

Create your own user feedback survey

For any further information/clarification, please contact the ACA NSW team via 1300 556 330 or