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Australian Childcare Alliance

COVID-19: NSW Police may visit ECEC services

The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW strongly recommends that all early childhood education and care (ECEC) services' staff carry their facemasks at all times and use them when necessary to support public health objectives, services' infectious diseases policies, as well as our collective duty of care for children and staff.

ACA NSW also strongly recommends that it has readily available in hardcopy the NSW Department of Education's advice on facemasks, ACA NSW's advice on when facemasks may not be worn when with children, and the associated NSW Public Health Orders for the NSW Police's reference and record.

This advice follows a recent experience by ACA NSW and an ACA NSW member's service having been visited by NSW Police on an (anonymous) report of an alleged COVID-19 breach of the NSW Public Health Orders. No penalty infringement notice was issued.

Although the NSW Police are obliged to investigate every plausible complaint and report, it is clear that  misunderstandings of the NSW Public Health Orders are occurring. That said, it is usually when certain parents/guardians and/or staff are in (private) disagreement with their ECEC service's practices that they resort to reporting to the NSW Police. Therefore, it is also strongly encouraged that parents/guardians and staff be sufficiently engaged with to ensure their understanding of your service's policies and procedures and the NSW Public Health Orders that relate to the addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.

ACA NSW has already published when facemasks may not be worn in ECEC settings. This advice continues to be current and correct as of today. And ACA NSW has formally asked the NSW Police Commissioner to seek his assistance in ensuring that all NSW Police Constables fully understand the NSW Public Health Orders in the ECEC context.

Should you require any further information or clarification, please contact the ACA NSW team on 1300 556 330 or

And for all COVID related information for the early childhood education and care sector, please visit ACA NSW's COVIDwatch.