Office of the Children's Guardian's Empowerment and Participation Guide

The NSW Office of the Children's Guardian have recently issued their new guide: Empowerment and participation: A guide for organisations working with children and young people. 

The new Guide, which was launched on 3 March 2021 was produced by the New South Wales Office of the Children’s Guardian, Victoria’s Commission for Children and Young People, and the Australian Centre for Child Protection at the University of South Australia.

According to the NSW Office of the Children's Guardian,  the new guide will help organisations implement key recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse who found that 

that abuse was less likely to happen in organisations where children and young people participate in decisions that affect them and where they feel confident they will be listened to. It recommended changes to the law requiring organisations to implement Child Safe Standards, including strategies to promote the participation of children and young people.

Further information and more guides and resources for implementing the Child Safe Standards can be obtained by contacting the NSW Office of the Children's Guardian.