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In pertnership with Guild Insurance
Australian Childcare Alliance

SEEKING YOUR URGENT FEEDBACK: Did you cap enrolments due to staff shortages in early May?

As you would be very much aware, staff shortages are a key issue impacting our sector, with some services impacted more severely than others, depending on their individual circumstances.

The critical shortage of qualified educators across the country is a problem that will continue to grow unless effectively addressed.

You may recall that we ran a survey in February to get a very quick snapshot of the volume of services capping enrolments due to staff shortages - many thanks to those of you who contributed to the poll.

The resulting data proved to be extremely effective in demonstrating to the Federal Government how widespread the problem is, and the extent of the reduction of places in each service as a direct result of the workforce crisis.

As the government and the media have a preference for the most recent data, we are now running a similar survey which we urge you to complete, to help ACA create an even more powerful set of statistics that the government and the media simply cannot ignore. 

The survey asks for your capping enrolment statistics for the week of Monday 9 May through to Friday 12 May (i.e. this week).

We would also like to share some real life stories of early learning services affected by the workforce crisis, so if you are comfortable having your service appear in a media story please include your contact details at the end of the survey. 

If you own more that one service, we ask that you take the time to complete the survey for each service - this is very important so that we can get accurate statistics.

Single services

  • Please complete the online survey for your services here.

Multiple services

  • Please complete the online survey for each of your services here; OR

  • If you would find the completion of an Excel spreadsheet more practical and efficient, please complete the spreadsheet here and email the saved file to

PLEASE NOTE: The survey is completely anonymous unless you actively choose to include your contact details. We will only use these details for the purposes of arranging case studies and media interviews. 

It should only take a few minutes to complete and your feedback will assist us greatly as we continue our discussions with the Federal Government on this critical issue.

NEW DEADLINE: Please complete the survey by Friday 26th May. 

We thank you in advance for your valued contribution.



​UPDATED: 23 MAY 2023