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Australian Childcare Alliance

Where will 100 new preschools on school grounds be across NSW?

Many members would have recently received e-mail invitations inviting them to consultation sessions hosted by the NSW Department of Education about their considerations for new public preschool(s) nearby.

Upon their election in March 2023, the NSW Labor Government is now implementing its plan to create 100 new public preschools on public primary school sites in 4 years.

That said, NSW Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning (the Hon Prue Car MP) had  also made the following public statements:

  1. "... to make sure that this happens without cannibalising other services and support services that already exist". (19 June 2023)
  2. "Recognising oversupply currently exists in a number of areas, co-located preschools under this plan will be targeted to areas with identified genuine need of additional preschool places." (24 June 2022)

Also, as the recent ACCC Interim Report demonstrated that oversupply can increase fees by up to 40%, ACA NSW will continue to engage with the NSW Deputy Premier and the NSW Department of Education seeking information on:

  • where these new 100 new preschools will be sited;
  • how the NSW Government will demonstrate genuine need of additional preschool places; and
  • how they will avoid negatively impacting existing surrounding ECEC services and ultimately children and parents.

ACA NSW is also concerned that these 100 new preschools are being considered while the NSW Government has only just tasked IPART to develop a methodology to determine areas of undersupply. Moreover, where will these additional early childhood educators and teachers be found given the worsening labour shortages.

Moreover, there is also an absence of detail about the NSW Government's approach on before-and-after-school-care for children at those 100 new preschools.

In the meantime, members can watch a video recording (beginning 14m33s) of a discussion on 9 March 2023 with then NSW Shadow Minister Prue Car about NSW Labor's plans for 100 new preschools on school sites.

Members can contact ACA NSW via 1300 556 330 or for further information/clarification.