December 19th, 2024
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What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is a sacred month in the Islamic calendar dedicated to fasting, prayer and reflection. Muslims are called to draw closer to God, practice self-discipline and engage in acts of charity. Being in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, it is the period when the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Muslims use this time to abstain from food, drink and physical needs from dawn until sunset. This act of fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam that defines a Muslim's faith and practices.
When is Ramadan?
Sunday, 10 March
- Have a discussion with the children about Ramadan e.g. what it is, how long it lasts for, what happens during Ramadan
- Read books about Ramadan e.g. Wake up! Its the Ramadan Drummer by Mariam Hakim
- Teach the children about kindness. This will encourage the children to reflect on helping others. You can try activities such as talking about kindness through stories, finding ways to help others in your community e.g. donating toys to charity, and donating tins or foods to charity for the homeless
- Ramadan craft e.g. learn about the cycle of moon by drawing the different phases, making bunting or cards for Ramadan and Eid, making cards for the homeless
- Cooking experience e.g. cook a meal that a family would eat at Ramadan and sit around and enjoy it together