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Random Acts of Kindness Day

What is Random Acts of Kindness Day?

Random Acts of Kindness Day taks place each year, dedicated to kindness and going above and beyond to brighten somebody's day. Created by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, the intention was to encourage harmony and kindess by offering kind gestures. Organisations such as schools and offices take part to ensure kindness and positivity is a norm. 

When is Random Acts of Kindness Day?

Saturday, 17 February


  • Group time: Have a discussion with the children about what are different acts of kindness
  • Have a discussion about how you show Kindness through random acts e.g. cleaning, saying thank you, giving someone a compliment, share something of yours, hold the door open for someone
  • Encourage children to make cards or drawings for their parents or loved ones.
  • Read a book about kindness and how to share your kindness with those around you e.g. The Invisible String, How to be Kind, We are all Kind, The Very Cranky Bear 
  • Organise a toy or book drive to collect items for children in need.