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World Cancer Day

What is World Cancer Day?

World Cancer Day is a global initiative led by the Union for International Cancer Control raising awareness, improving education and advocating for government action. Working together allows us to move one step closer where millions of preventable cancer deaths are saved, and access to life saving cancer treatment and care is available for all no matter who you are, where you live, and how much money you have. This year's theme is Close the Care Gap which is about ensuring our leaders understand that we demand a commitment to prioritising cancer. We call on our leaders to eliminate health inequalities, and ensure everyone has access to quality health services if needed. 

When is World Cancer Day?

Sunday, 4 February


  • Dress in the colour: Encourage children to wear different colours that represent various cancer awareness ribbons
  • Morning tea fundraiser: Invite parents to a morning tea fundraiser with their children to help raise money for a chosen cancer organisation
  • Daffodil origami craft: Daffodils are a symbol of hope for all people affected by cancer.
  • Caring cards” Children are encouraged to create cards to distribute to cancer patients in local children’s hospital.
  • Craft: Decorate/colour different ribbons that represent cancer.