December 19th, 2024
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What is World Cerebral Palsy Day?
World Cerebral Palsy Day is a global awareness day to raise awareness about cerebral palsy, a neurological condition affecting movement and muscle coordination. This day also promotes inclusion and support for those who have cerebral palsy or those who take care of someone who has cerebral palsy. It also advocates for equality and inclusivity to ensure access to resources to improve the lives of individuals living with cerebral palsy.
When is World Cerebral Palsy Day?
Sunday, October 6
- Story: Read books that feature characters with disabilities or books that promote inclusion and diversity
- Sensory Play: Set up sensory play activities that engage the children’s senses, providing therapeutic benefits
- Music Therapy: incorporate music therapy into your day as music provides emotional expression, sensory stimulation and can promote social interaction which benefits children with CP and other disabilities
- Ensure your service has an inclusive playground to ensure that children with CP can explore the playground with their peers, encouraging inclusive play and support for children of all abilities.