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World Day of Social Justice

What is World Day of Social Justice?

World Day of Social Justice occurs every 20th February, focusing on social justice throughout the world, pressing for improvements and solutions to those suffering from social injustice. The United Nations formed this day to help us recognise that despite all progress we have made, there are sill barriers preventing people from social justice. The day promoted faitness in the context of equal access for all to the same standard of educaiton, employment, healthcare, education and more. Despite race, religion, sexuality, gender or socioeconomic status, everyone should have equal access. 

When is World Day of Social Justice?

Tuesday, 20 February


  • Discuss what Social Justice is
  • Group time: Engage the children in discussions about fairness, empathy, and treating others with kindness and respect.
  • Discuss why some people are socially disadvantaged than others e.g. race, gender, socieconomic status, culture, religion, disability, age 
  • Raise money for a social justice organisation
  • Brainstorm ways to ensure everybody feels equal and does not experience social injustice 
  • Encourage the children to create artwork or posters that promote social justice and equality.
  • Teach the children about different cultures and traditions, fostering an appreciation for diversity and understanding.