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World Environment Day

What is World Environment Day?

World Environment Day is an international day of environmental awareness and action. In 2024, World Environment Day is being held in Pakistan to focus on the theme of Ecosystem Restoration. The UN emphasise the importance of people doing something to take care of the earth on this day such as picking up rubbish, organising a tree planting drive or a recycling drive.

When is World Environment Day?

Wednesday, June 5 


  • Nature Walk and Cleanup: Take children on a nature walk around the childcare centre and encourage children to clean up the environment along the way by collecting litter. Provide gloves and biodegradable bags.
  • Group time:  Have a group discussion with the children about the importance of keeping our environment clean and the impact of pollution on wildlife and ecosystems.
  • Environmental Storytime: Read books or stories about the environment and sustainability. Choose books that highlight environmental themes such as conservation, recycling, renewable energy, or protecting endangered species.
  • Recycling sorting activity: Set up coloured bins (or photos) and provide children with different objects that need to be sorted and placed into the correct coloured bin (or stick photo of objects onto coloured bin).
  • Water plants: Take the children outside and provide them with watering cans, encourage them to water the plants around their outdoor environment and discuss the importance of taking care of our plants.