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World Kindness Day

What is World Kindness Day?

World kindness day is dedicated to promoting kindness, encouraging everyone to perform acts of kindness towards others. This day reminds us of the importance of being more kind to one another to create a more harmonious and compassionate world.

When is World Kindness Day?

Wednesday, November 13


  • Kindness Cards: Provide materials for children to make kindness cards or notes for their friends, family members, or caregivers.
  • Random Acts of Kindness: Encourage children to perform random acts of kindness throughout the day, such as sharing toys, helping a friend in need, or saying kind words to others.
  • Story Time: Read books about kindness, empathy, and friendship during group time or story time.
  • Compliment Circle: Gather children in a circle and take turns giving compliments to each other. Encourage them to notice positive qualities in their peers and express appreciation for their unique strengths and contributions.
  • Kindness Discussion: Facilitate a group discussion about kindness, asking children to share examples of times when they were kind or received kindness from others.