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World Penguin Day

What is World Penguin Day?

World Penguin Day, observed on April 25th each year, is a special day dedicated to celebrating and raising awareness about penguins and their conservation. For kids, World Penguin Day can be a fun and educational opportunity to learn about these fascinating birds and the importance of protecting their habitats. 


When is World Penguin Day?

Thursday, 25 April


  • Group time: Discuss interesting facts about penguins such as what they eat, where they live, how they swim, etc
  • Read and tell stories about penguins 
  • Create penguin themes artworks e.g. penguin masks, penguin puppets, paper plate penguins
  • Watch short visuals about real life penguins in their habitat e.g. live penguin cams or virtual tours 
  • Move like a penguin to some music 
  • Discuss the importance of saving habitats and brainstorm how we can protect penguins and their environment