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World Poetry Day

What is World Poetry Day?

World Poetry Day was introduced to promote reading, writing, publishing and teaching poetry worldwide. Poetry can assist in developing a wide range of skills such as readng, writing, and communication skills - especially for those struggling to express themselves. Poetry assists children in particular how to express their emotions by putting into words how they feel. It also encouraged children's creative thinking and problem solving skills as it requires children to think and interpret what they read. It also increases children's memory and helps them in remembering new words and phrases. 


When is World Poetry Day?

Thursday, 21 March 


  • Learn about the different types of poetry e.g. acrostics, concrete, poems and cinquains 
  • Write a poem as a class about a topic of choice 
  • As a class, read some short interesting poems regarding a topic of choice
  • Brainstorm rhyming words 
  • Create acrostic poems using the children's first names. For each letter in their name, ask them to find an English adjective that they feel describes them