December 19th, 2024
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What is Yom Kippur?
Yom Kippur means “day of atonement” and is the holiest day of the Jewish year. This day, Jews are forgiven for their sins against God, and ask for forgiveness from people they have wronged. As they reconcile with God, they are also asked not to work and instead, reflect.
When is Yom Kippur?
Friday, October 11
- Discussion about forgiveness: discuss with the children about forgiveness and experiences where they might feel sorry for something they did and how they made it right
- Story: read an age-appropriate book that highlights themes of forgiveness and kindness
- Tzedakah (charity) activity: encourage the children to donate coins or small toys to give to those in need to show the children how we can help make the world a better place
- Reflection time: create a calm and peaceful environment for the children to engage in quiet activities lie drawing, colouring, or listening to soft music to encourage the children to reflect on their thoughts and feelings
- Sensory exploration: set up a sensory bin filled with materials representing Yom Kippur such as sand for reflection, or water for purification. Encourage the children to explore the materials with their hands.