The video of the Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW Network meeting held on 1 June 2020 is as follows:

The corresponding slides for the above Network Meeting are here.


The video of the Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW Network meeting held on 15 June 2020 is as follows:


The corresponding slides for the above Network Meeting are here.



What is Eid?

Eid al-Adha "Festival of Sacrifice" or "Greater Bairam" is a religious festival celebrated by Muslims all over the world. It is when Muslims sacrifice a goat, sheep, cow or a camel, sending meat to poor people as a donation. It marks the end of the Pilgrimage or Hajj for the millions of Muslims who make the trip to Mecca each year and pray 5 times a day. They like to tell Allah what they are thinking and hope for him to help them, and remember Ibrahim and Ishmael's courage and devotion to God.

On this day famiy, children, friends gather and celebrates this festival happily. Many muslims across the world and especially in Australia people travel to Mecca for celebrating Eid al-Adha.

When is Eid?

Begins in the evening of Monday, 2 May and ends in the evening of Tuesday, 3 May


  • Inviting families or providing a Middle-East feast for the staff and children to celebrate the meaningful gathering.
  • Intentional teaching: How many people across the world including Australians travel to Mecca to gather and celebrate Eid al-Adha.
  • Discuss how different cultures and religions celebrate different days, however celebrated in the same concept as family gathering, time of giving and acts of kindness. 
  • Baking cookies of Eid - Click the following link for the reciepe:
  • Reading books to children about Eid Al-adha and learning more about the festive season their family, friends, neighbours and people in the community celebrate -
  • Centre project - Raising money or hamper collecting and donating to the poor where staff, families, children. 

For further acitivity ideas click on the following link:


What is Schools Tree Day? 

National Tree Day is celebrated annually, which started and has grown into one of Australia's biggest community events since 1996 as the community gather in tree-planting and nature care event. 

As we should be educating and encouraging taking are of our mother nature everyday, we celebrate Schools Tree Day to the last Friday in July.

When is Schools Tree Day? 

Wednesday, 28 July


  • Centre project - Getting the children involved in planting a tree around the service and learning the importance of playing an active role in the community. 
  • Intentional teaching - Learning and discussing the life cycle of a tree, how it grows and what it needs to grow
    - Creating a poster
    - Create an ongoing tree and plant care program with your children.
  • Seed experiment - Children plainting their own plant and watching the plants grown and taking care of their plant by ensuring it is watered, recieving enough sunlight reflecting off their life cycle of a tree -
  • Reading books regarding taking care of our environment
  • Have a week dedicated to environmental awareness. Download our educational lesson plans for your students to learn more about the environment.
  • Arrange a visit from a ranger or local council representative. They may be able to provide you with information and tools for your event or to arrange a demonstration on how to plant correctly and what native wildlife may be attracted to the plants.
  • Creating a recycling corner to save trees! 

For further information regarding how to get involved in School Tree Day click on the following link: