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Jeans for Genes Day

What is Jeans for Genes Day?

Jeans for Genes Day is an annual fundraising event in Australia organised by the Medical Research Institute. On this day, Australians wear jeans to work or school, and donate to support research into genetic disorders and childhood diseases. Jeans for Genes Day raises awareness and funds for medical research to improve the lives of children affected by genetic conditions.

When is Jeans for Genes Day?

Friday, August 2 


  • Wear jeans/denim Day: Encourage children, staff and families to wear jeans and denim clothing to childcare on Jeans for Genes Day.
  • Group Time: have a discussion with the children about genetic disorders and the importance of supporting children and families affected by these conditions.
  • Jeans Decoration Station: Set up a jeans decoration station where children can personalise their denim clothing with fabric paints, patches, ribbons.
  • Fundraising Activities: Organise fundraising activities to support Jeans for Genes Day, such as a gold coin donation.
  • Story Time: Choose children's books that explore themes of diversity, inclusion, and empathy, such as "We're All Wonders" by R.J. Palacio or "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio.