Led by ACA NSW President Lyn Connolly, the ACA NSW contingent met and engaged with representatives from the other ACA states in Canberra for the last 2 days and nights.
It was an opportunity to discuss, plan, strategise and develop solutions with an even bigger pool of talent, skills and wisdom.
Combined, all ACA states represent over 3,500 early childhood education and care services across Australia.
In anticipation of the federal election (due by 17 May 2025), all ACA states debated, examined and shared with each other the problems and solutions that will give children the best start in life while supporting early childhood education and care services, educators and teachers.
The many challenges that those gathered faced included:
the roll-out of the Federal Government's $3.6b Worker Retention Payments;
the Gender Undervaluation Case currently at the Fair Work Commission;
the next (minority) Federal Government and the crossbenches, especially the possible new initiatives;
what Universal Childcare means and could mean in the future;
the current and future States/Territory Governments, their respective Oppositions and the crossbenches;
the existing and unresolved challenges experienced by the sector;
the sustainability of supply of future early childhood educators and teachers;
engaging with decision-makers and influencers (including politicians, bureaucrats and the media); and
the role and performances of ACA and every ACA states for its members and the sector.
ACA NSW members are encouraged to attend the next Members-Only Meetings, Regional Meetings as well as engage with the ACA NSW Executive Committee.
For any further information/clarification, please contact the ACA NSW team via 1300 556 330 or nsw@childcarealliance.org.au.