With over 25 years’ experience running her own Early childhood Education services and a mother and step mother to 10 children, Renae has a great understanding of what busy families want and need and will continue to stand up for what is best for families and children.
Renae has a Bachelor of Teaching in Early Childhood and operates a small family run business in Coffs Harbour. The energy and enthusiasm of young children is what drew her to the industry and the knowledge that she can make a huge difference in the lives of children and their families, is what keeps her in the industry. Working to empower families in their roles as a parent she believes is the greatest gift she has been given.
Becoming an Executive Committee Member of Australian Childcare Alliance NSW as a regional provider, Renae will work hard to ensure the unique geographical needs are heard and acknowledges that recent changes in the industry are making it harder to survive, with oversupply in these areas and operational costs going up for small business and families as a result. Sensible streamed systems are needed if we are going to ensure the affordability and long jeopardy of small family oriented services.
Having lived in her local area for close to her whole life, Renae has been an active community member in a number of clubs and committees and has found this very immensely rewarding, but also recognises it requires a great deal of commitment and passion, as well as a good working knowledge of the ethical and legal considerations that governance entails.
As a new member of the ACA NSW Executive Committee for 2019, Renae is hoping to make an enormous contribution in this role with flow-on benefits for the whole community.