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World Oceans Day

What is World Ocean Day?

World Ocean Day is a day to celebrate and honour our Oceans. The theme for 2024 is “Catalysing Action for Our Ocean & Climate”. Through education and prevention, we can save and protect our ocean.

When is World Ocean Day?

Saturday, June 8 


  • Group time: Have a group discussion about the importance of keeping the ocean clean and brainstorm ways to protects the oceans.
  • Story time:  Read books that will educate children on the importance of conserving the ocean and read ocean themed books such as ‘The Rainbow Fish” by Marcus Pfister.
  • Sensory Clean up activity: Fill up a tub to represent the ocean and add plastic animals seashells. Place rubbish pieces such as straws of piece of plastic into the water and encourage the children to scoop out he rubbish with a net to clean up the water.
  • Art and Craft: Encourage children to draw or paint their own version of what under the sea looks like.
  • Dance time: Sing songs or play music with ocean-related lyrics and encourage children to move and dance like sea creatures.